@article{oai:repo.lib.tut.ac.jp:00001078, author = {柳, 在圭 and 清水, 良明 and YOO, Jae Kyu and SHIMIZU, Yoshiaki}, issue = {3}, journal = {日本経営工学会論文誌, Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association}, month = {Aug}, note = {本研究では, JIT(Just-In-Time)生産システムの拡張として生産システム全体としての効率化を計るために新たな生産システムの構築を試みる.そのため, 適応範囲を拡張したことにより生じる問題点の解決案として, 全生産工程において, 当該工程とその後工程の効率を十分に引き出すPull-Push型生産を提案する.また, 提案手法を生産方式, 生産リードタイムが異なる工程間に適応し, その有効性を調べる., rights: 日本経営工学会 rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである relation:isVersionOf: http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004050336/ This paper discusses a novel idea to integrate a whole production system that involves JIT (Just-In-Time) production downstream. If we apply conventional JIT technology to such a production system, it is difficult to keep production efficiency because production smoothing is not kept between processes with different production styles and production lead-times. To cope with this difficulty, we propose a new type of JIT production system in which scheduling is decided using a heuristic algorithm instead of conventional JIT production. Through computer simulations, we evaluate the proposed JIT production system regarding two cases; i. e., lot process and painting process.}, pages = {194--201}, title = {JIT生産の拡張による生産システムの統括的効率化}, volume = {54}, year = {2003} }