@article{oai:repo.lib.tut.ac.jp:00001123, author = {Ida, Tamio and Ohtake, Kazutomo}, issue = {4}, journal = {JSME international journal. Ser. B, Fluids and thermal engineering, JSME international journal. Ser. B, Fluids and thermal engineering}, month = {Nov}, note = {The authors discuss in detail the various heat transportation mechanisms existing in turbulent diffusion flames by use of spectral analyses. Space and time-resolved structures of turbulent diffusion flames were analyzed by two-point laser Rayleigh spectroscopy (LRS) which did not directly interfere with the combustion media during measurement. The turbulent diffusion flame structures were divided into 4 regions based on the characteristics of their spectral analysis of time-dependent temperature signals. In order to discuss the macroscopic heat transportation mechanism, the coherent function from cross and power spectral functions at Region I〜IV was analyzed. From these analyses, the following diffusion characteristics at each region were revealed. Region I : three-dimensional diffusion mechanism (x-, r-, z-axes), Region II : one-dimensional diffusion mechanism (z-axis), Region III : two-dimensional diffusion mechanism (x-, z-axes), Region IV : no specific diffusion mechanism., ・rights:日本機械学会 ・rights:本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである ・relation:isVersionOf:http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110002981412/}, pages = {815--821}, title = {An Experimental Study of Space and Time-Resolved Structures of Turbulent Diffusion Flame}, volume = {39}, year = {1996} }