@article{oai:repo.lib.tut.ac.jp:00001138, author = {Takezono, Shigeo and Minamoto, Hirofumi and Tao, Katsumi}, issue = {3}, journal = {JSME international journal. Ser. C, Dynamics, control, robotics, design and manufacturing, JSME international journal. Ser. C, Dynamics, control, robotics, design and manufacturing}, month = {Sep}, note = {This paper deals with two-dimensional collisions of vehicles based on impulse-momentum relationships. Conventionally, the impact is assumed to occur in an instant, and movements of the vehicles during impact are ignored. In general, however, vehicles are deformed and move in relation to each other throughout the duration of impact. If these deformation and movement are neglected, significant errors occur under certain impact conditions. In this paper, it is assumed that vehicle deformations are characterized by a linear plastic body, and the impact plane and the impact point are determined from the shape of the crushed region at each time step. Collision problems considering vehicle movements during impact can be analyzed using this method. Several results of collision analysis are shown for comparison between this method and the method ignoring vehicle movements. Finally, the vehicle velocities immediately after impact and the vehicle trajectories are discussed., ・rights:日本機械学会 ・rights:本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである ・relation:isVersionOf:http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004089559/}, pages = {470--476}, title = {Two-Dimensional Collisions of Vehicles : Case of Consideration of Vehicle Movements during Impact}, volume = {39}, year = {1996} }