@article{oai:repo.lib.tut.ac.jp:00001157, author = {Sasaoka, Ryu and Azegami, Hideyuki and Murachi, Shunji and Murachi, Shunji and Kitoh, Junzoh and Ishida, Yoshito and Kawakami, Noriaki and Makino, Mitsunori and SASAOKA, Ryu and AZEGAMI, Hideyuki and MURACHI, Shunji and ISHIDA, Junzoh and KAWAKAMI, Noriaki and MAKINO, Mitsunori and MATSUYAMA, Yukihiro and MATSUYAMA, Yukihiro}, issue = {4}, journal = {JSME international journal. Series C, Mechanical systems, machine elements and manufacturing, JSME international journal. Series C, Mechanical systems, machine elements and manufacturing}, month = {Dec}, note = {A hypothesis that idiopathic scoliosis is a buckling phenomenon of the fourth or sixth mode, which is the second or third lateral bending mode, induced by the growth of vertebral bodies was presented in a previous paper by the authors using numerical simulations with a finite-element model of the spine. This paper presents experimental proof of the buckling phenomenon using mechanical spine models constructed with the geometrical data of the finite-element model used in a previous work. Using three spine mechanical models with different materials at intervertebral joints, the change in the natural vibration eigenvalue of the second lateral bending mode with the growth of vertebral bodies was measured by experimental modal analysis. From the result, it was observed that natural vibration eigenvalue decreased with the growth of vertebral bodies. Since the increase in primary factor inducing the buckling phenomenon decreases natural vibration eigenvalue, the obtained result confirms the buckling hypothesis., ・rights:日本機械学会 ・rights:本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものである ・relation:isVersionOf:http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004161022/}, pages = {1382--1387}, title = {Investigation of Buckling Phenomenon Induced by Growth of Vertebral Bodies Using a Mechanical Spine Model}, volume = {46}, year = {2003} }