@article{oai:repo.lib.tut.ac.jp:02000085, author = {板谷 明浩 and 小野 湧貴 and 山本 一輝 and 稲田 亮史 and Itaya, Akihiro and Ono, Yuki and Yamamo, Kazuki and Inada, Ryoji}, issue = {1}, journal = {International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology}, month = {2023-08-10}, note = {In this work, we applied hot pressing (HP) for the densification of Na 2 Zn 2 TeO 6 NZTO at lower temperature than conventional furnace sintering (FS). Calcined NZTO powder w as densified by HP at 700 ºC for 1 hour under uniaxial pressure of 20 and 60 MPa using a graphite mold . By increasing the uni axial pressure to 60 MPa for HP, high relative density above 90 % was obtained. As prepared NZTO by HP showed total (bulk + grain boundary) ionic conductivity of 0.29 mS cm  1 at room temperature, which is lower than NZTO prepare d by FS at 800 ºC (= 0.4 mS cm  1 ) with lower relative density 85 %). It was found that the contribution of grain boundary resistance in as prepared NZTO by HP is larger than NZTO by FS. We confirmed that the grain boundary resistance was significantly reduced by post annealing. Consequently, total conductivity at room temperature was improved to 0.42 mS cm  1 and 0.56 mS cm  1 by annealed at 700 ºC and 800 ºC for 2 hours . X ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis indicated the 2 residual carbon residual carbon--contained secondary phases were reduced by postcontained secondary phases were reduced by post--annealing. These annealing. These secondary phases could be formed by the carbon contamination from secondary phases could be formed by the carbon contamination from a a graphite graphite moldmold for for HP and their removal by postHP and their removal by post--annealing results into the improvement ionic conduction at annealing results into the improvement ionic conduction at graingrain--boundary.boundary.}, pages = {311--318}, title = {Characterization of Na2Zn2TeO6 ceramic solid electrolyte densified by hot pressing}, volume = {21}, year = {} }